Apply Your Research Work

Dear Researcher,

Before submitting your entry, please carefully read the Terms & Conditions for the participation in the International Medis Awards Contest and prepare the following:

Main application criteria:

  • Impact factor 1.500 or higher
  • The research work must have been published between 1 October 2023 and 31 October 2024
  • The research work must not have been sponsored by industry

Please read the complete application criteria on page Call for Entries.

Once you will start with applying, please complete the application as it is not possible to fill in or save the data for later. If you have any questions or need help, feel free to contact us at

Estimated time to complete: 10 minutes.

First name
Last name
Country of Residence
Year of Birth (for example, 1982)
Mobile phone (international format e.g. +386 31 100 100)
My profession is:

Please note if you are a medical doctor: as an applicant you must be actively working in clinical practice with patients (diagnosis and treatment decisions) in institutions throughout the IMA contest territory in the medical fields in which you are applying for the IMA. Surgeons may apply to any field of research work.

Please note if you are a pharmacist: for the field of Pharmacy, only pharmacists who are employed in healthcare organisation are eligible to apply.

I am submitting an entry for following medical field of research work:

With selection below I confirm that at least one institution where I was employed during the time the study was conducted and my permanent residence is located in the territory of the IMA contest.
Please select the country
Before you continue, please confirm:
Please select:
Research Work - Article Title
Full Name of Scientific Publication/Journal
Upload your research work
Your IF decimal number (must be 1.500 or higher)
Order of Authorship
Upload signed consent of the First or the Leading co-author
Before you continue, please confirm all three inclusion criteria:
IMA Table
From the above table please select type of research:
Please select the type of Primary Research – Clinical Research:
Please select the type of Primary Research – Epidemiological Research:
My title
What is your title?
Your specialization
Current Career Position
Name of Institution
Full name of institution where I am/was employed and conducted my research
How did you find out about the invitation to participate in the 11th International Medis Awards?

General Terms and Conditions for applicants for the International Medis Awards for Medical Research (hereinafter referred to as the "IMA")

  • I hereby confirm that I am the First or Leading author of the research work. If I am the Other author, I hereby confirm that the First or Leading co-author of the research work consents to my application for the IMA.
  • I work in daily clinical practice in institutions throughout the territory of the IMA contest in the field in which I am applying for the IMA contest.
  • I confirm that at least one institution where I was employed during the time the study was conducted is located in the territory of the IMA contest.
  • I confirm that my permanent residence is in one of the countries of the territory of the IMA contest.
  • I confirm that majority of the research is done in the territory of the IMA contest.
  • I hereby certify that the above statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that a false statement may cause the withdrawal from the IMA.
  • By submitting an entry, I declare that I fully understand the contest rules and the Terms & Conditions, and will fully respect them.

If I am announced as the finalist in a category, I declare and agree without any further confirmation:

  • To collaborate with the IMA team and to be available for photographs and interviews if requested;
  • That for the purposes of the IMA contest, my name, title and institution are in uniform format in English, which I will confirm before publication and will be used throughout the duration of the IMA;
  • To any announcements in publications where the IMA chooses to publish information connected to the contest or the IMA Ceremony;
  • That video materials created for or by or on behalf of the IMA can be used in print and/or in digital form as the IMA materials or to promote the IMA or other events in the future;
  • That I will attend the IMA ceremony as required by the IMA;
  • That if announced as the winner in a category, I agree to receive the IMA sculpture and the financial award to which I am entitled at the IMA Ceremony;
  • That if announced as the finalist in a category, I agree to receive the financial award to which I am entitled at the IMA Ceremony;
  • That whenever I discuss my work with which I have competed at the IMA, with the aim that this discussion is published or broadcast, I will always quote the International Medis Awards in its full name, and require from the authors of the articles, video, or similar, the same;
  • That if I win and receive an International Medis Award, I agree to pay any taxes or potential costs connected to receiving the award in the country of residence;
  • Failure to do as agreed upon may cause the withdrawal from the IMA.
I agree with the Terms and Conditions
I agree to the processing of my personal data for the following purposes:

Medis binds to process the collected personal data only for the above defined purpose. If a need for other kind of processing or for forwarding the data to third parties arises, we will contact you beforehand and ask for your consent.

Personal data are stored for as long as it is needed for fulfilment of the purpose but not longer than 10 (ten) years after last actual data verification or until withdrawal. Personal data will be deleted even before the withdrawal if the purpose for which they were collected is fulfilled (for the purposes of this consent, the ceasing of sending notifications by Medis, is considered as fulfilment of the purpose).

Your personal data might be forwarded to Medis affiliated companies, where the personal data may be processed outside the European Economic Area (EEA). In order to ensure that your personal data are protected, if there is a transfer of your personal data to countries outside EEA, Medis or its affiliates will enter into, where necessary, data transfer agreements with the data recipients which include the EU Commission's standard contractual clauses. The list of affiliated companies is written in the Privacy policy. Your personal data will not be forwarded to third parties.

By signing the consent for the processing of personal data, you confirm that you are familiar with your rights:

  • To request an insight and correction, copy, deletion or limitation of processing of your personal data, or to file a complaint regarding the processing; you are familiar with the right to transferability of your personal data, namely with written notification to Medis, or to the e-address;
  • That you can withdraw the given consent at any time with a written notification to Medis, or to the e-address;
  • That you can file a complaint at the control authority (State Data Protection Inspectorate) if you believe that the processing of your personal data is violating the Regulation.

You are familiar with the fact that your personal data is processed on the legal basis of consent. You are familiar with the fact that the company Medis may process your personal data also on other legal bases (e.g. legal interest). You are familiar with the Privacy Policy (Annex No1).